Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Solution Windows can not be installed on drive 0 partition

When reinstalling Windows , such as Windows 8 or Windows 10 , you may be faced with the problem of hard disk partitions . You can not proceed with the installation on the drive you select and display an error message like this
"Windows can't be installed on drive 0 partition 4 (Show details)"  
When you click on the message will appear messages like this
Windows cannot installed to the disk. The selected disk has an MBR partition table. On EFI systems, Windows can only be installed to GPT disks.


Windows cannot installed to the disk. The selected disk is of the GPT partition style. Windows can only be installed to this hard disk space. The partition is a Microsoft Recovery partition.

Windows cannot be installed to this disk. The selected disk is of the GPT partition style.

Why The message comes ?

Pesan error ini muncul karena jenis partisi hard disk tidak cocok dengan dengan media instalasi yang Anda gunakan. Misalnya, Anda menggunakan USB Installer Windows dengan format FAT32 sedangkn hard disk memiliki jenis partisi MBR. Atau sebaliknya Anda menggunakan USB Installer Windows dengan format NTFS sedangkn hard disk memiliki jenis partisi GPT.

How to View the Flash Disk Format ( USB Installer Windows ) ?

How to look to see whether the flash disk format FAT32 or NTFS :
- Right-click the Flash Disk
- select Properties
- See the " File System " , there is no description of the format.

What 's GPT and MBR ?

Master Boot Record or MBR is a format that has been used since the early 1980s and widely supported , although limited to a maximum of four primary partitions with a capacity of up to 2TB . A few years ago it was probably a very large size , but now it's a relatively small size and easy to complete . Hard disk capacity available today is much greater . Therefore, there should be a new format that can accommodate a hard disk with a capacity of more than 2TB .

GUID Partition Table ( GPT ) is a new technology format that allows the operating system can handle much larger disk . This is a solution to overcome the limitations of MBR format . Theoretically GPT can handle the hard disk with capacities up to 9.4 zettabytes ( ZB ) , or nearly 10 billion terabytes. In 2013 , it is estimated that the entire world wide web occupies a space of about 4ZB . Windows currently limits GPT partitions to 256TB . Theoretically there is no limit partitions that can be created on the hard disk to GPT format .
Select GPT or MBR ?

The main issue to be considered is the compatibility. Windows XP 32-bit instance can not read, write or boot from GPT disks. Newer versions of Windows can handle disk properly, but requires you to have a motherboard that supports UEFI.

You can not make more than four primary partitions on MBR format whereas the GPT format you can make more than four primary partitions even to infinity.

So, if you want to use a large hard drive with multiple partitions and want to install multiple operating systems, select GPT format.

If you want to maintain the compatibility of older hardware, select MBR. Moreover, if the hard disk capacity of 300GB then you just choose GPT format may not have the time. But it is up to you, if you want to take advantage of newer technology then select GPT.

Another guideline that you can make a reference in selecting hard disk format if the MBR or GPT is on the side of the installation media is used:

- if format hard disk MBR then use the NTFS format installation media
-  If the GPT disk format then use the FAT32 format installation media
The ease of this, if you want to install Windows on a hard disk formatted USB Installer MBR then create formatted Windows NTFS , if the hard disk , create the GPT formatted USB Installer Windows formatted FAT32 .
How to Change / Convert GPT into MBR with Diskpart

Modern laptop or PC already supports UEFI and BIOS default set UEFI boot . As explained above that the UEFI boot GPT format requires that you have on your hard disk. If you want to use Legacy boot then you have to change the format of the GPT into MBR . Windows provides a default application , the Command Prompt that you can use to convert GPT into MBR or vice versa . How to change the format of the GPT into MBR is as follows :

  1. Sign in to the Windows installation interface 7 or 8 or 10 (disc or USB ) and press Shift + F10 to open the command prompt .

2.  Type " Diskpart " ( without the quotes ) and press Enter. Note: The execution of each command   
     by       pressing Enter.
3. Type " list disk " : to check the hard disk . If there is more than one hard disk capacity a good look .  
    Or if   you can not be sure unplug the hard disk to another . Typically , disk 0 is the hard disk , and   
   disk 1 is the USB drive of your Windows 7 installation .
4. Type " select disk 0 " : to select disk 0 .
5. Type " clean" : tto delete the hard disk partition .
6. Type "convert mbr " : to convert GPT into MBR .
7. Type "create partition primary size = xxx " : to create a primary partition , the size in 
    MB .
8. Type " format fs = ntfs " : to format the disk to NTFS .
9. Type " exit" : to complete the operation , or click the Close button .

Note : You can terminate this operation in step 6 : convert mbr . or in other words that the conversion of GPT to MBR only until step 6. The next steps can be made when the Windows installation process .

This will erase all contents of your hard disk, so beware before starting .

You can use third-party applications to convert GPT into MBR so that the data in the hard disk are not deleted. One example , you can use Partition AOMEI .

Hope it is quite clear .


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